Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A little list update

I suppose I should start this little "update" by stating the dates that go along with this thing, which I somehow managed to forget to do in the previous post. I started this list on October 29, which makes my end date July 26 of 2012...just 4 days short of Jax's FOURTH birthday! Putting it that way makes me feel like I have all the time in the world, but I'm a little less confident when I think of completing a task every 10 days. We'll see. Currently in progress are:

#22 (Reading three books on finances). I am currently about halfway through "The Everything Personal Finance in your 20s & 30s Book". I decided to stick with this book because it seems, by default, to be the place to start, but I don't recommend it. It's boring, and so far even I--the girl who made a goal of reading finance books because I know so little about them--already knew almost everything I've read so far.

#82 (Blogging/journaling about list progress). I'm actually doing this in a journal. I have it all categorized and organized and I just like doing it. I know. I'm kinda nerdy.

#89 (Get all the kids' photo albums up to date). Thanks to CVS extending their 10 cent photo offer another week, I'm actually working on this one as I type. I haven't even started on Jax's and Mariah's is about...oh...two years behind. So, my guess is that it will still be a while before I can cross this one off.

#100 (Read at least three books/day to my children for a month). We actually did this for four days, then missed two. So we started over today. But we went to the library and everything ;)

#72 (Sew a button back onto a peice of clothing). Haven't done it, but I did pick up a little sewing kit at the dollar store when we went searching for stocking stuffers the other day. So this is officially a possibility.

#90 (Write in my journals to each of the kids at least once every three months). I wrote in Mariah's on 10/30 and Jax's on 11/2. I have a journal for our February baby, but at 27 weeks, the kid still doesn't seem real to me yet.

#36 (Involve the kids in a "project" for someone else at least once/month). I would actually love some ideas on this one. Sounds simple enough, espeically with a two year old, but the only things I've really come up with are baking things for people and buying them gifts.

Lastly, with a GREAT BIG THANKS to my mother in law, I can officially cross one item off the list: getting a professional massage! She not only treated me to a FULL hour, but watched the kids for me while I went. It was wonderful. The masseus told me I was the first pregnant person to ever fall asleep during a massage she'd given :) Can I just say, it was THE best nap ever!

1 comment:

  1. Am I allowed to recommend things? Because The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey is an *awesome* book on finances! I have other things to say, but I have to cut this short...darn work. I'll come back! Hooray for a massage!!! :)
